Monthly Archives: February 2013

Mechanically Human #edcmooc

I'm a slave for you!!!

I’m a slave for you!!!

WALL – E. The Disney movie that made a huge impact on how technology can be an advantage and disadvantage in a human life.
Indeed, technology has come a long way. It makes our life easier. For example, there is no need to be at home or use a pay phone to call your love ones. The mobile phones are just there tucked inside one’s pocket or bag. The big and bulky computer became slimmer and spawned laptops and notebooks. Nowadays it is Computer + mobile phones = smart phones. Remote controls are not just for television but it can also be use in a variety of appliances as well. And of course who can forget the Internet? It helps us connect to the people all over the world via social net workings sites and videos. Amazing right?
Unfortunately though focusing too much on the use of technology makes us feel like machines. We are dependent on the use of gadgets that we forget connect to other people face to face! The world of the internet and media can be informative and the same time hypnotized us into a world full of creative illusions. We become robots that the need to attach and socialize to REAL people are neglected.

Take my case for example. I absolutely love Face book. It made me reconnect with my high-school and college friends plus the games in FB are not bad either. It helps in finding lost persons, informs me on health benefits of certain foods, notified me on the modus operandi of criminals, and more. The negative side is that I concentrate too much on this networking site that I tend to ignore that there is someone waiting for a hug and a kiss and a bit of lovey dovey conversation…and that someone is my husband. He was not really mad but he feels neglected which is my fault of course. We talked about it and being a good wife I decided to limit my use on FB. I realize that I have become too addicted to it.
Overall, technology will always be constant in our life but at the end we are beings that have a choice to make. We can either let technology drives us or we can maintain a balance of using these wonderful inventions incorporate it in our lives and yet still be human.

CHAmelon like CHAnges of CHArice


WARNING: A long blog, please drink 3 cups of superdupermaximumhighly mega “I AM ALIVE 24 HOURS!!!” strong coffee brand to maintain consciousness and concentration. Thank you. (To order pls. dial 1800-ILOVEMYDOGEVENIFHEDOESNOTLOVEME.)

Flowers blooms as spring comes and the sun hugs us with warmth. Moving on, the smiles of the blue sea splashes our faces to wake up to the sound of summer. Hues of oranges and shades of brown whispers the incoming autumn. Finally, with the touch of crystal snow, it blankets our winter dreams…and the season changes and changes over and over again. It is always the same and yet the experience is always different.

The season are just like this jack-in-the-box type of person. She is always full of surprises..little Miss no more! The one and only Charice.

From cute, pinky outfits to a lady like sophisticated fashionista and moving on to an edgy, rocker, emo and androgynous fashion choice…this is Charice now.

Cute little singer!!!

Cute little singer!!!

Her clothes and image may change to adapt to the current trends of fashion and music but her personality is still the same or is it?

Of course human beings personality and traits has already been formed way back during our childhood years but during our adult life there will be some notable experiences that will change our perspectives, attitude and behavior about the world.


Hello Lady!!!

The same goes for Charice who also changed for the better. Before she was timid, shy and apprehensive in expressing her views but now she is stronger, full of courage, assertive and oozing with confidence. She speaks her mind sometimes with a dash of humor.

Good for her! The ultimate goal of human kind is to become better and to pursue happiness. (All men agree in desiring the last end, which is happiness – Augustine) Obviously Charice is doing that but not all agree. What do you mean?


Those legs are showing!!!

Nowadays a lot seems to be going with her. Sporting a colored uniquely styled hair, matching it with spunky accessories and wearing boyish type of clothes..these changes deeply affects a lot of person especially some fans who finds this look hmmm…well…shocking?…err…ghastly?…uhm…ugly?….and other adjectives you can think of.

To some fans these changes are beyond comprehension. It is outside the fans comfort zone. “Why won’t she dress like any 20 year old something girl?” You know typical flowery dress, long hair, cute accessories, nice shoes and some make up. After all this age is the onset of becoming and looking like a lady.


The Beauty!!!

Well it’s her preference to look this  way. She did not conform to the usual get up. She is different. I know! I know! Some of you does not like her current fashion choices especially the tattoos. Agghh!!! Those tattoos are really something eh? It stirred a lot of emotions and views. Did it make you cry? Did it make you cringe? Why does she even got one some of you may ask? Seriously, why oh why  Delilah? LOL!


Sophisticated and modern look!!!

We don’t know the real answers but there are a lot of motivations on why some people get them. It can be for art, to express beauty, a fashion statement, to convey individuality, to state affiliations with groups, to narrate personal history, a sign of protest, addiction and more. In the end a tattoo has a definite meaning for the person that had them. I am sure that you would want to study the psychology of tattoos but that is another matter.

In the end, human beings evolves and changes throughout the years. Yes it is true. We can never be like Peter Pan for so long. We change because of our personal experiences and the influence of society.  The same goes for Charice.


Time for a Cool Change

Personally speaking I like her look to be lady and edgy at the same time. Not an all out boyish look. Yes that is my opinion and preferences for her but even if she chooses otherwise, I still love Charice. I still love her voice. I love her artistry. I love her humor. I love the way she entertains. I simply love Charice.


The controversial look.

As a fan I wish her the best. She is a human being just like us. She is not perfect. She may decide on something that is against her fan’s wishes but that is her. Whatever she chooses and whatever she does in her life, may it be her career, relationships, and love; I pray that she will always be successful in all her endeavors. And if ever she did commit any mistake in the future I am sure she is mature and responsible enough to face the consequences of her action.

To my dear Charice,  I hope that you will always be happy. Thank you for the voice and music. I will always be a fan!


NOTE: Thank you to all the pix provided by the internet. Credits goes to them whoever you are!!!