Monthly Archives: November 2013


Haul in the net!

Haul in the net!

Enjoy thy stream, O harmless fish;
And when an angler for his dish,
Through gluttony’s vile sin,
Attempts, the wretch, to pull thee out,
God give thee strength, O gentle trout,
To pull the rascal in!
~John Wolc

         As the journey through maturity unfolds before my eyes, appreciation of other people starts to penetrate into my mind. A person who may seem ordinary or too simple to be even notice has now gained a better understanding.

         A modest living…welcome…the fisherman.

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         A humble profession and yet his sweat and hard work goes beyond. Many of us may know that they are always there but we do not truly recognize their value. Their lives will always be intertwined with us because without them the food that we desire cannot even reach our hungry mouth.

Rowing slowly!

Rowing slowly!

         Sad to say, the fisherman in our country are deprived of their basic necessities. What can an ordinary person do to at least alleviate their pitiful and sometimes depressing status in life? What can you do? What can I do? My mind until now is still thinking for anwers…..